This was the advice given in 1918-1919 during the Great Influenza pandemic – in which 50 million people died. In 1918, there were no treatment options for influenza and advertisements like this were an attempt to prevent infection – and save lives. One hundred years later we have much better ways to prevent flu infection.
A yearly flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent “the flu”
The flu is not just a bad cold. A bad cold is annoying: a sore throat, a runny nose – you feel miserable. The symptoms of the flu can be severe and life-threatening and those at highest risk for flu complications include… adults over 65 years of age, people with chronic health conditions and residents of long term care facilities. Last year, the Centres for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimated that around 80 000 people died from the flu.
Influenza can be a severe life-threatening illness – we need to take it seriously
Flu vaccination prevents illness and suffering, decreases hospitalizations and saves lives, but as well as protecting you from influenza, research shows that the vaccination also decreases the risk of a major cardiovascular event (heart attack or stroke) by 1/3.
When should you get the flu shot?
Before the end of April is ideal – to be covered before the start of the flu season. The flu injection usually becomes available during March.
Where do you get the flu shot?
Many pharmacies will administer the flu vaccine. Otherwise, buy the vaccine at your pharmacy and bring it to the Care Centre – I will be very happy to give it!
If you have any questions about the flu – or about the flu vaccine – you are welcome to discuss it with me.
Sr. Erika Janutsch : Nursing Manager at The Somerset
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